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Here you’ll find a range of pages offering advice and services related to the provision and maintenance of equipment such as hearing and vision aids, as well as resources like service dog training and registration, transcription or interpretation services and text to speech devices.

Our Sensory Impairment Services In Bury area of The Bury Directory’s Adult Social Care section also contains useful information about Dyslexia, autism and learning disability support services, assistance for individuals with speech and communication impairments like aphasia and plenty more besides to make living with sensory conditions as easy as possible.

The links displayed on this page include information that is suitable for individuals living with sensory-related conditions, employers, friends or family members undertaking research into issues affecting someone they know, or carers looking into additional support and resources.

The information you’ll find here relates to support for Bury residents living with both lifelong and newly developed conditions.

If you are unable to find the material you require, simply take a look at the Adult Care & Disability Services section’s Adult Care Information & Advice In Bury page or get in touch with The Bury Directory team today using our handy online form. We’ll be very happy to assist you.

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