Bury East Green Space Groups
Bury East Green Space Groups
Bury East Green Space Groups
East Bury Green Groups
If you would like to chat about any of these groups contact me Kathy Taylor, Volunteer support and development officer, email kathryn.taylor@bury.gov.uk or call me on 07971379057
Friends of Openshaw Park
The Friends of Openshaw Park is a very new group. Their aim is to breathe some life back into the park with community events, sports, and gardening groups. Very early days but if you have ideas, want to get involved or would like to join the committee please email myself kathryn.taylor@bury.gov.uk or G.McGill@bury.gov.uk
East Ward Growing Together
Community allotment off Walnut Avenue.
Garden Club - Every Monday 10-12noon. Come along and learn about growing and gardening and enjoy a brew and company. No charge
Craft and Chat - Every Monday 1-3pm. Bring a craft. Learn a new craft. May be a small charge for materials.
Coffee and Cake - 3rd Tuesday of every month 1-3pm – Free. Last one in November, to start again in the spring
Contact Susan Ruddock on 07522129530 or email eastwardgrowingtogether@gmail.com
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EWGTwalnutallotment
Friends of Chesham Woods
Maintenance of this valuable nature reserve is undertaken by volunteers who meet most Sundays between 1.30 and 4pm. New volunteers are made very welcome, we provide tools, advice and instruction, and tea and biscuits.
If you’d like to get involved join us outside Clarence Gardens at the top of Chesham Road BL9 6FY at 1.30pm on Sunday afternoon.
You can email friendsofcheshamwoods@gmail.com or find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/612171109246575
Cateaton Street Community Garden
With funding from GM Green Spaces Supporting Sisters and the local community are transforming this space into a community garden.
To get involved check out Supporting Sisters on Facebook
Friends of Clarence Park
Help us to make Clarence Park a wonderful place to spend time or visit. We are a small but enthusiastic group of volunteers, and we would love you to join us.
We need help with –
Running a Tuck Shop on Saturdays 8.30-11.30am
Stewarding at Events
Gardening in our raised beds – Saturdays 10am - 12noon (Check Facebook)
Litter picking
If you can help or if you’d like more information, please get in touch.
Contact email friendsofclarencepark@gmail.com or find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/266221755033047/
FGRS Litter Picking group
We are a group of volunteers who care about Fishpool, Goshen, Redvales and Springs. We are a sub-group of Keep Bury Clean with our own WhatsApp group. We care about the environment, wildlife and helping to keep our streets and parks free of litter. Litter picking equipment can be borrowed from the FGRS community hub for one-off picks. See below information on Keep Bury Clean for longer loan of equipment and to adopt your area.
Community Pride in Pimhole
Keep Bury Clean, local councillors and community groups coming together to help residents join forces to clean up Pimhole. With group picks and information sessions on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
If you live in the area and are interested in joining in send an email to
Keep Bury Clean
We are a group of volunteers who care about Bury. We care about the environment, wildlife and helping to keep our streets and parks free of litter. We often work with Bury’s schools and business groups.
We can supply you with litter picking equipment to go out as and when you like, we just ask that you ‘Adopt your Street’, and you can also join us on our regular group picks on the third weekend of the month, alternate Saturdays, and Sundays. If you would like to join us send an email to keepburyclean@gmail.com for more information or find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/keepburyclean website Keep Bury Clean - Litter Pickers Bury
New Springs Community Garden
We are hoping to bring our community garden back to life in the new year. We will be meeting each Wednesday to work on the space. Gardening, building raised beds, painting and planting.
We also hope to start a litter picking group with the help of Keep Bury Clean with will also be every Wednesday. We’ll then pop into the community centre for refreshments.
Please get in touch if you would like to join us. Volunteering can be fun, build friendships, combat loneliness, and help with your health and wellbeing.
Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/NewSpringsCommunityProject
If you’d like to join us or for more information email Lynne at springscommunityproject@btconnect.com
Get involved in Broad Oak Woodland
Lots of improvements are being considered for this woodland and you can find out more here: Broad Oak Woodland, Bury - Proffitts CIC - Community Projects and Funding
Would you be interested in having a say over what happens? Interested in volunteering your time to help look after Broad Oak Woodland? Broad Oak Woodland is in need of a ‘Friends of’ group.
Visit bury.gov.uk/parks-getinvolved
Top Green Gardening Group @ Clarence Park
Top Green Gardening Group meet on Monday afternoons 12.00 – 14.00 plus other times on an ad hoc basis (Saturdays 1-3pm weather dependent), and anybody can come and join us. Working on the raised beds growing vegetables, clearing our little wilderness into a safe and varied space for the community. Tasks are seasonal such as lopping willow, planting, watering, and harvesting. The overall space is still being designed so those interested are welcome have input.
Any questions please contact hannah.crompton@personasupport.org 07789508396 or steven.greason@personasupport.org 07356108494