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Bury Green Space Groups

Bury Green Space Groups

  • Bury Green Community Group

We all know the benefits of being out in nature and what it can mean to our health and wellbeing. That's why Bury has a wide variety of outdoor groups and activities available across the borough that you can join/ get involved in.

What are the benefits of joining a green group?

The benefits of joining one of these groups are multiple;

  • Gain a sense of wellbeing from being out in nature

  • Make new friends

  • Feel the connection of being part of a group

  • Reduce stress and anxiety,

  • Improve cognitive functioning

  • Build self-esteem and confidence

  • Improve physical health

What green groups are available in Bury?

  • Gardening groups: Maintenance of the flower beds in Bury parks; growing from seed, planting, weeding etc.

  • Woodland management groups: Maintenance of the wooded areas; thinning out or crown lifting the trees, maintaining paths, making brash fences etc.

  • 'Friends of' groups: Management of community cafes, bike libraries, gardening groups and organise events in parks.

  • Incredible Edible groups: Growing fruit, veg and herbs from seed and plant and maintain beds accessible to the public.

  • Community allotments: Grow food and host growing groups, craft groups and community plots for schools etc.

  • Litter picking groups: Organisation of group picks, loan equipment to individuals who want to ‘adopt their street’ and also look after overgrown green areas.

Some groups will be a combination of the above.

  • Bury East

    Click here

  • Bury North & West

    Click here

  • Prestwich

    Click here

  • Radcliffe

    Click here

  • Whitefield & Unsworth

    Click here

  • Across Bury

    Click here

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