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Let's Eat Healthy & Stay Winter Well

Let's Eat Healthy & Stay Winter Well

Access to healthy food is essential this winter

In Bury at wintertime, we experience cold weather with a drop in temperature, shorter days, and longer nights. This season can be challenging for many reasons, including the increased cost of food, going out less, cold and flu season, and feeling cut off from friends and family.

This year the challenges that winter will present are likely to be enhanced due to the cost-of-living crisis and a potential “Twindemic” on the horizon, as we brace ourselves for a severe flu season and another potential wave of Covid-19.

Such challenges highlight the importance of staying well this winter, and with eating well being one of the best things you can do to keep your body and mind in top condition, it is essential that we are aware of what support is available.

If you're struggling with food this winter (or if you know someone who is), hopefully the information and resources available here will help.

Don't Go Hungry This Winter: How to Access Food Banks and Pantries and Get Help

If you can’t afford enough food to make it through the winter, there are resources available to you that can help make sure you don’t go hungry.

The first thing to do is find out which food banks and pantries are available in your local area and contact them directly to see if and how they can supply you with the food you need.

We are lucky to have a great selection of food banks in Bury who can help you lead a healthy diet during tougher times.

What Is a Food Bank and Food Pantry?

A food bank is a place that collects donated food and distributes it to people in need, where as a food pantry operates more like a supermarket, providing people with a choice of food in exchange for a small fee. These services are often offered by community organizations such as churches, mosques, synagogues, charities, community centres or other groups.

Food items available are dependent on a variety of factors but you are likely to find items from your shopping list including fruit and vegetables. The variety of ingredients available to you will hopefully make meal planning a little easier and help you stay healthy.

Contact your local food bank or food pantry in Bury for more information on the services they offer as services may vary dependent upon the needs of the local community in which they serve.

There are also other services offering different types and levels of support when it comes to food, take a look here and see if there is something that meets your induvial needs.

The Dangers of Poor Nutrition

Poor nutrition can cause a variety of physical complications throughout the body in addition to emotional challenges like depression or anxiety during winter. While many people are aware of the general dangers of poor nutrition, they may not be aware of the specific risks associated with it.

Physical complications associated with poor nutrition include an increased risk for developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, and type 2 diabetes.

Poor nutrition can also lead to problems such as anemia, osteoporosis, and obesity. In addition, poor nutrition can weaken the immune system and make people more susceptible to infections and everyday common colds.

Remember, making healthy food choices and eating healthy will boost your immune system and contribute towards avoiding illness this winter.

Emotional complications associated with poor nutrition include depression, anxiety, and irritability. Poor nutrition can also affect cognitive function and lead to problems with concentration and memory. Additionally, people who are malnourished are more likely to experience fatigue and feelings of hopelessness.

If you are concerned about your nutritional intake, there are a few steps you can take to improve your diet. First, eat a variety of foods from all food groups. This will help ensure that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs.

Second, limit processed foods and foods high in sugar, fat, and salt. These foods can make it difficult to meet your nutritional needs and can also lead to weight gain.

Finally, make sure to drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fiber-rich foods to help keep your digestive system healthy.

If you feel that you would benefit from support to improve your nutrition in Bury then take a look at the information available via the Bury Nutrition and Hydration Programme.

Useful resources to help you and your family eat healthy on a budget

Here are some useful resources to help you and your family eat healthy on a budget this winter:

Information, tips & resources

Eating Healthy on a Budget

Useful information, advice and resources to help you work towards eating healthy on a budget. There are training opportunities, recipes and more.

a collaboration of partners interested in healthier and sustainable food

Bury Food Partnership

Here you will information about the Bury Food Partnership and the work that they do, including the Good Food Charter and how you can get involved. There is also a wealth of useful links where you will find useful information, recipes and more.

Training opportunities

Bury Adult Learning

Various learning opportunities are available, but take a look at their FREE 'Improve Your Mood Through Food' course & learn how to cook simple, healthy meals including looking at the theory behind food and how what we eat can affect how we feel. Gain an awareness of how to develop a healthier lifestyle by making healthier food choices.

Support and advice

Healthy Start

Get help to buy food and milk.

Information & support booklet

Cracking Good Food

The 'Power up the Flavour' support booklet by Cracking Good Food is a great resource and help you to plan, batch cook and make good use of any leftovers.

Support & Information

Free School Meals

Free school meals are available for your children if you meet the qualifying criteria, all of which can be found here along with details on how to apply.


Open Kitchen Manchester

A fantastic resource, packed full of tasty, healthy recipes, all of which are cooked using a slow cooker to ensure low energy costs.

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