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Needs Assessments

Needs Assessments


Sexual Health Needs Assessment



SEND Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

Bury is committed to improving education, health and care services with strategic partners, parent carers and our children and young people. We have worked collaboratively with key local stakeholders to create our JSNA) for SEND. The SEND JSNA contains a wide range of information to build an accurate understanding of the needs of children and young people who have SEND in Bury.


Young Peoples Sexual Health Needs Assessment 2023

This sexual health needs assessment (SHNA) has been conducted to understand the sexual health needs of young people aged under 25 years old living in Bury and determine how effectively the current services are working to meet those needs.

2022 - 2025

Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment

The Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) is a crucial part of the market entry system, and supports commissioning decisions based on patient needs, it is important that Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs) prepare PNAs to national comparable standards. The HWB has a duty to produce a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment every three years


Military Veterans’ Health Needs Assessment

The purpose of this needs assessment is to describe the demographics of the veteran population in Bury, summarise the available evidence on veterans’ health, highlight areas where veterans experience disproportionately worse health than the wider population and recommend actions for healthcare providers and their partners in Bury to address areas of increased healthcare need.

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