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Preparing for a Carers Assessment

Preparing for a Carers Assessment

How to prepare for a Carers’ Assessment...

Be honest and realistic about your caring role. Don’t play down any difficulties, or your feelings about being a carer.  The aim of the assessment is to help you get the support your need. 

Think about:

The different ways you are providing support, as an example this could be helping with bathing, dressing, managing finances, emotional support, helping with practical things such as shopping, ensuring the person is safe.

  • Does caring leave enough time for you? Are there things you enjoy doing that you cannot do anymore because of your caring responsibilities.

  • How does caring affect you emotionally? Do you often feel tired or lonely?

  • How does caring affect you physically? Are you often up in the night and not getting enough sleep?  Experiencing back pain from having to lift the cared for regularly. Is caring preventing you looking after your own health?

  • Has your caring role affected your work or education?

What happens after the Assessment?

Depending on your carer’s situation, will determine how we support you. If you are eligible for support, we will work with you to develop a support plan which sets out how your needs will be met.

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