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Active Lifestyle Discount Card

Photograph taken by Tony Rostron

Active Lifestyle Discount Card

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Our Active Lifestyle discount card is available to all ages. It offers cardholders discounts and savings on a wide range of sport and leisure activities at Bury Leisure sport and fitness centres, as well as savings on library services.

The card costs just £6.50, is available to eligible Bury residents and is valid for 12 months from the date of registration.

Active Lifestyle discount card holder benefits

As an eligible cardholder you will be able to save money on leisure activities, aim to improve your health and fitness levels and get more from your free time.

Who can apply for an Active Lifestyle card?

You will qualify for an Active Lifestyle discount card if you live in the Borough of Bury, pay Council Tax to Bury Council and if one or more of the qualifying criteria is applicable to you.

Qualifying criteria

  • Claiming income support or Job Seekers Allowance.
  • Claiming housing benefit.
  • Claiming Council Tax support.
  • Claiming Disability Living Allowance (DLA)  or Personal Independence Payment (PIP).
  • Claiming Working Tax Credit (WTC).
  • Receiving Employment and Support allowance (previously Incapacity Benefit).
  • On a Government training scheme (includes apprenticeships).
  • A student over 16 in full-time education.
  • Asylum seeker.
  • Carers - adults and young carers.
  • Looked after children (in the care of Bury Council).
  • Adults aged 60 and over.
  • Children under 16 of qualifying adults.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 253 7000

Costs & Bookings

Additional Information

To apply for a discount card, fill out the below form:

You will need to complete an application form if you are:

  • applying for your first Active Lifestyle discount card; or
  • renewing your Active Lifestyle discount card.

Please note:

  • We will take your photograph and retain it in our records.
  • Children under the age of 16 must be accompanied by their qualifying parent, guardian or carer and they will need to sign a photograph consent form.

Service Information

Links for information

Last updated 2nd November 2021

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