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Photograph taken by Liam Hayat


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ADAB provides Community services and Development support to BAME (Black Asian and Minority Ethnic) communities and helps tackle Discrimination and inequalities in Bury.  We  support minority communities with services to develop their resilience and to enhance their quality of life, by building their confidence and independence to become more active and involved citizens in the community. 

We enable BAME communities to broaden their knowledge and skills to be able to move into education, training or employment; improve their health and wellbeing and develop their sense of belonging as a responsible and valued citizen of Bury. 

To achieve this ADAB provides a wide range support, services and social initiatives in a culturally sensitive manner.   Our current services include:

  • Education – ESOL; Nursery; Equalities; Hate Crime; Cultural Awareness; First Aid; 
  • Health and wellbeing – domestic violence; inequalities; isolation; loneliness; mental health; 
  • Basic Skills – adult education, numeracy & literacy,  employment skills, training and job support
  • Social activities – Veterans Club; Lunch club; Boxing; Music; Dancing; Arts; Cine club 
  • Inclusion & Diversity – Asylum Seekers/Refugees; equality, diversity & community cohesion
  • Representation –  minority community issues to strategic partnerships and decision makers
  • Older People - tackling social isolation and loneliness, independent living skills. 

We do this through:

  • Social clubs and leisure activities for all ages and communities 
  • Information, advice & Guidance (IAG)
  • Support, guidance and advocacy for disadvantaged communities;
  • confidence building, self-esteem, improving skills and raise aspirations
  • Reduce health inequalities 
  • mental health support, help with long term health conditions, 
  • Education, training, employability skills and volunteering opportunities;
  • mentoring and support people to participate in local decision-making/leadership 

Contact Details


Iram Durrani

Job Title/Position

Admin Officer

Telephone Number

0161 761 2079

Email Address

Costs & Bookings


From £25 per hour

Additional Information

Room Booking details -

Booking Information

Complete form on line -

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Older people (over 65), All ages, Adults under 65 years

Support Groups:

Dementia, Health & Wellbeing


Art and Craft activities

Booking Required?:

Links for information





Last updated 3rd July 2023

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