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Alcohol Change UK

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Alcohol Change UK

0 Reviews

Alcohol is a part of many of our lives. We use it for celebration, for comfort, to socialise, to wind down, to cope. We treat it differently to other drugs; it’s legal, socially acceptable, even encouraged.

Yet in the UK one person every hour dies as a result of alcohol. Alcohol harm – mental health problems, liver disease, one of seven forms of cancer, economic difficulties, and so much more – can affect any one of us, from any walk of life.

The harm doesn’t end with the individual; each of us who drinks too much is part of a family and a community who feel the effects too, whether through frequent use of emergency services, drink driving, violence or neglect.

We are Alcohol Change UK. We work for a society that is free from the harm caused by alcohol.

We are not anti-alcohol; we are for alcohol change.

Please note that the contact details listed below are not a helpline, they are for general enquiries only.

The National free alcohol helpline is Drinkline: 0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am to 8pm, weekends 11am to 4pm).

For out of hours support, please contact the Samaritans on 116 123.

Contact Details

Job Title/Position

General Enquiries

Telephone Number

020 3907 8480

Service Information



Links for information

Last updated 16th January 2024

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