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Anti-Terrorist Hotline

Photograph taken by Brian Peters

Anti-Terrorist Hotline

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We want you to look out for the unusual – some activity or behaviour which strikes you as not quite right and out of place in your normal day to day lives.

You may feel it's probably nothing, but unless you trust your instincts and tell us we won't be able to judge whether the informaitn you have is important or not.

Remember, no piece of information is considered too small or insignificant.

Our specially trained officers would rather take lots of calls which are made in good faith, but have innocent explanations – rather than not getting any at all.

We know you may have concerns about speaking to the police – possibly because your friends or family may find out.

But all information passed to the police is treated in the strictest of confidence. It is thoroughly analysed and researched by experienced officers before, and if, any police action is taken.

Suspicious activity could include someone:

  • Who has bought or stored large amounts of chemicals, fertilisers or gas cylinders for no obvious reason;
  • Who has bought or hired a vehicle in suspicious circumstances;
  • Who holds passports or other documents in different names for no obvious reason;
  • Who travels for long periods of time, but is vague about where they’re going;

It’s probably nothing but… if you see or hear anything that could be terrorist-related trust your instincts and call the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321.

Our specially trained officers will take it from there.

A textphone service is available for people with speech or hearing difficulties on 0800 032 45 39 (text messages from mobiles are not accepted).

You can also submit your information using our confidential online form.  The link to which can be found on the web page.

If you think you have seen person acting suspiciously, or if you see a vehicle, unattended package or bag which might be an immediate threat, move away and call 999.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0800 789 321

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Adults, Older people (over 65), Adult carers, All ages

Links for information

Last updated 30th November 2020

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