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Arthritis Action

Photograph taken by Brian Peters

Arthritis Action

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About Arthritis Action

Founded in 1942, Arthritis Action is the only UK charity giving hands-on, practical help to combat the pain of arthritis through self-management and lifestyle advice. We offer people with arthritis a holistic self-management approach, looking at both the physical and mental aspects of arthritis.

Our self-management approach encompasses a wide array of services, including personal dietary and nutritional advice, and access to therapies with approved practitioners. We also offer people in various communities the opportunity to take part in self-management events and local groups. Through our approach, we help people with arthritis gain the knowledge and confidence to manage their condition themselves, and enjoy a more active life with less pain. For more information please visit

Please see below a series of useful and informative links to the Arthritis Action website:


Exercise Videos

Many people living with a long-term health condition find it difficult to attend exercise classes. To help them, Arthritis Action launched a series of online chair based exercises developed with the aim of helping those with hip, knee or spinal Osteoarthritis become more mobile and active.


Exercise and Activity Directory

Many people living with a long-term health condition also find exercising challenging. To support them, we launched an Exercise and Activity Directory signposting webpage to help people find the help and support they may need within their county to get active. 


Mental Health Directory

Many people living with a long-term health condition also experience mental health difficulties, such as stress or anxiety. To enable people to find the help and support they may need we have listed mental health organisations by county. Many of the NHS IAPT teams across the UK are listed as well as local Mind hubs and an array of other charitable organisations and services offering help and support to people experiencing mental health difficulties.

56 Buckingham Gate, 2nd Floor, London SW1E 6AE

Registered Charity Number 292569

Company Number 01914825

Tel: 0203 781 7120

Contact Details


Sarah Gudgin

Job Title/Position

Services Development Manager

Telephone Number



Service Information



Links for information

Last updated 23rd February 2024

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