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BIG in Mental Health Social

Photograph taken by Brian Peters

BIG in Mental Health Social

0 Reviews

During the COVID-19 lockdown, our service is not seeing people in person, like many other services.

So, to accommodate the needs of people in experiencing mental health, we are making two significant changes during this period.

We are offering video support groups via Zoom. It’s really easy to use. You just need an internet connected device. Once you have downloaded the App, we do all the technical stuff.

We are running a phone support service. That means, we are ringing people up to check in with them, provide emotional support and signposting and referrals to other services when needed.

For more information please contact the team on 07758737616 (office hours Mon-Fri), or email

The BIG in Mental Health SOCIAL Group open to anyone over the age of 18.

The Social Group is an active, lively and fun group for people to come and take part in a range of activities or relax with a warm drink and talk with people who understand and don't judge.  At our social we provide a warm and welcoming environment for people with mental health conditions.

Join us every week on a Sunday afternoon between 1pm and 3pm

at The Re-start room in Castle Leisure Centre, Bolton Street, Bury.

Friendly and supportive. No referrals. No waiting lists. Just turn up. Join us and make that positive difference. 

What people say:

“BIG helps me get out of the house and have somewhere to go without being worried about feeling out of place.”

Bury Involvement Group in Mental Health is a registered charity in England (Charity Number 1166584)

Contact Details


Jordan Fahy

Job Title/Position

Chief Officer

Mobile Number


Telephone Number

0161 222 4005


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info


Time of Day


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:


Support Groups:

Mental health conditions

Links for information

Last updated 16th January 2025

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