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Birtenshaw College

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Birtenshaw College

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Birtenshaw College provides specialist further education for young people aged between 16 and 25 with a range of special needs, including cognitive, physical and sensory impairment; many learners also have a diagnosis of autism or an associated condition. All learners have an Education, Health and Care Plan.

The college was established in 2014 in response to the lack of local further education opportunities for young adults with SEND who were over the age of 19 and had difficulty accessing mainstream college courses because of the environment and / or level of support they needed. The staff team is dedicated to ensuring that learners receive high quality learning experiences enabling them to reach their potential. We believe that every learner at Birtenshaw College should be encouraged to make choices involving every aspect of their college life.

Birtenshaw College provides a structured programme and curriculum which is designed to develop a range of skills including life skills, independence, social skills, literacy and numeracy, work-based vocational skills, and which also provides therapeutic learning activities. We meet each young person’s specific needs through a personalised approach, including supporting them with a total communication environment and through sensory activities, where appropriate.

Contact Details


Clare Foster

Job Title/Position

Head of Service; Birtenshaw College

Telephone Number

01204 602330


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information

Last updated 20th August 2020

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