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Blue Badge Scheme

Photograph taken by Liam Hayat

Blue Badge Scheme

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The Blue Badge scheme provides parking concessions for people with severe mobility problems, or someone who is unable to undertake any journey because it would cause overwhelming psychological distress.

The scheme operates throughout the UK and is recognised throughout the European Union.

You are automatically eligible to apply for a badge if you are over three years old and either:

  • Receive the higher rate of the mobility component of Disability Living Allowance
  • Have a score of 8 points or more on the 'moving around' section of the Personal Independent Payment (PIP)
  • Have a score of 10 points under ‘Planning and following a journey’ component, with the descriptor ‘Cannot undertake any journey because it would cause overwhelming psychological distress to the claimant’
  • Are registered statutory blind
  • Receive a War Pensioner's Mobility Supplement
  • Are a member of service personnel or veterans who has been awarded a benefit (giving rise to entitlement to a lump sum at tariffs 1-8 inclusive) under the AFCS and assessed and certified by the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency (SPVA) (an executive agency of the Ministry of Defence) as having a permanent and substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking

You also may also be eligible for a badge if you are over three years old and either:

  • Have an enduring and substantial disability (expected to last longer than 3 years) which means you cannot walk, or which makes walking very difficult.
  • Or a person who has been certified by an expert assessor as having an enduring and substantial disability which causes them, during the course of a journey, to:
    • Be unable to walk
    • Is unable to undertake any journey because it would cause overwhelming psychological distress
    • Be at risk of serious harm when walking; or pose, when walking, a risk of serious harm to any other person.
  • Drive a motor vehicle regularly, have a severe disability in both arms, and are unable to operate all or some types of parking meter (or would find it very difficult to operate them).
  • If you are a parent of a child who is under the age of three, you may apply for a badge for your child if they have a specific medical condition which means that they either:
    Must always be accompanied by bulky medical equipment which cannot be carried around without great difficulty or need to be kept near a vehicle at all times, so that they can, if necessary, be treated in the vehicle, or driven to a place where they can be treated, such as a hospital

How to apply for or renew a Blue Badge

To apply for a Blue Badge please visit the Bury Council website

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 253 6855

Local Offer

SEN Provision Type



Our service/organisation is part of the Local Offer, please contact us for further information

Age Bands

16-25 years, 11-15 years, 6-10 years, 0-5 years

Core Response Approved?



Referral Notes

You can apply for a Blue Badge via the Customer Contact Centre on 0161 253 6855.

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Adults, Older people (over 65), Adult carers

Support Groups:

Physical impairment, Visual impairment

Referral Required?:

Links for information

Last updated 19th March 2024

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