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Bridge Community Church

Photograph taken by Liam Hayat

Bridge Community Church

0 Reviews

A very warm welcome to Bridge Community Church.

We're located near Radcliffe Bridge, behind the library. Access is to the left hand side as you face the building, down Regan Street.

Over recent years, the traditional building has been entirely redesigned and refurbished for modern and practical usage by everyone. We cater for all age groups, from children and youth activities to fellowships for senior citizens.

Bridge Community Church is at the heart of the community, inspired by the word of God, united in fellowship, motivated by Christ's sacrifice and powered by prayer.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

07564 090 777

Email Address


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Every Sunday, 10:30. The second Sunday of each month takes the form of all-age worship

Time of Day


Session Information

10.30am on Sunday morning

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Last updated 31st January 2023

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