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British Fluoridation Society (BFS)

Photograph taken by Martin Gaskell

British Fluoridation Society (BFS)

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This information was provided by Oral Health Promotion Team | The Bury Directory

The British Fluoridation Society (BFS) provides information about the benefits of water fluoridation, a public health measure that involves adjusting the naturally occurring fluoride content of water to the optimum level for good oral health.

They provide a scientifically-based information service about water fluoridation to: health bodies; local authorities; educational establishments; professional organizations; the media; politicians; and, the general public.

Please visit About – British Fluoridation Society (

The facts about water fluoridation One in a million – British Fluoridation Society (

Contact Details


Alison Tabois

Job Title/Position

Oral Health Improvement Practitioner

Mobile Number


Email Address

Service Information



Target Audiences:

All ages, Parent carers, Young carers, Adults under 65 years, Primary and Secondary School Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (Sencos), teachers and teaching assistants, School staff within any of Bury's Primary schools

Support Groups:

Health & Wellbeing

Links for information

Last updated 28th March 2023

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