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Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox Primary School

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Broughton Jewish Cassel Fox Primary School

0 Reviews

About Us:-

BJCFPS provides an excellent education within the religious traditions of Orthodox Judaism. Our aim is to promote traditional Jewish values whilst delivering the highest standards of Kodesh and Secular studies within a warm and embracing Jewish atmosphere. By equipping our pupils with the understanding, knowledge and skills in Kodesh and Secular studies we enable them to take their place as observant Jews in the modern world.

Contact Details


Mrs R Caplan

Job Title/Position

Head Teacher

Telephone Number

0161 921 2500

Email Address


Local Offer


If you wish to know what this school offers, please click on the link below. 


Age Bands

6-10 years

Core Response Approved?



General Notes

Service Information


North West

Links for information

Last updated 27th October 2020

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