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Bury Adult Learning Service - Work and Wellbeing

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Bury Adult Learning Service - Work and Wellbeing

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Skills for Work

Do you want to improve and develop new skills?

Do you want to boost your employment prospects?

Do you want to gain the confidence to move into further learning and work?

Bury Adult Learning Service works in partnerships with libraries, schools, Jobcentre Plus, community and voluntary sector organisations to help people learn new skills through short courses, especially people who may not have been in learning for a long time. We support learners who have health needs or have low qualifications and offer classes in small groups with friendly tutors.

Our aim is to raise confidence and help you feel less isolated so that you are able to progress onto further learning or employment. Our learners often say that our courses help them be more confident, meet new people, get a qualification or even get a job.

Bury Adult Learning Service offers many different courses including, ICDL IT qualifications, Introduction to a Career in Care Level 1, Level 1 and Level 2 Award in Health Improvement, Food Safety in Catering Level 2 Award, Confidence Building, Resilience and much more.

Wellbeing Courses

We have courses to improve your emotional wellbeing, whilst learning something new, meeting people and having fun! All courses are FREE.

To make sure the course is right for you and to see if you are eligible for a free course, we would like to meet you first.

Our wellbeing courses include Mindfulness, Bake Yourself Happy, Art to Reduce Anxiety and Stress, Creative Writing For Wellbeing, Improve Your Mood Through Food, Curry and CHAT (Men only) and Self Care Sanctuary.

Contact Details


Nikki Naylor

Telephone Number

0161 253 7287

Email Address


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:


Last updated 20th January 2025

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