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Bury Community Stroke Team

Photograph taken by Liam Hayat

Bury Community Stroke Team

0 Reviews

The service is for anyone who has rehabilitation needs related to a stroke.

Most often this will be straight from hospital and the therapy staff in hospital will refer to us, however you may have been discharged some time ago and still have rehabilitation needs. You can refer yourself or your GP can refer you, but you need to have rehabilitation goals, that is, something which you want to achieve that is tricky because of your stroke but which you could do before it.

We may see you at home or in a clinic

We also see everyone at six months after they are discharged from hospital after a stroke to review their progress

We will offer advice and support for any stroke related problem.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 716 1202


Times & Dates

Days of the week

8am-4pm 7 days


Referral Notes

Referral Methods

  • Self referral
  • GP
  • Health professional
  • Social care professional

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information

Last updated 17th June 2022

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