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Bury Council Learning Partnership

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Bury Council Learning Partnership

0 Reviews

"Developing the workforce in Bury to deliver quality outcomes for people who use Social Care services."

What do we want to achieve?

Bury Council wants to make sure that as a borough we provide the best quality care to our adult residents.Training and development is an essential part of achieving this and to ensure staff within your organisation have access to high quality training. We want to work with you to access mandatory training courses in line with CQC regulations and offer support on developmental training so your organisation is fit for the future.

The membership then allows you to access the following training types for your staff:

Classroom Based and E-Learning

Still interested, what to do next?

To become a member please email D& for the relevent forms.

In addition the Officers represent the department at local, regional and national level through consultations with Skills for Care North West, Greater Manchester Employer Led Partnership, Greater Manchester Principle Training Officers Group, Skills for Care Greater.

Contact Details


Organisational Development Service

Telephone Number

0161 253 6543/6781

Email Address




Referral Notes


Service Information


Bury & Local Area, North West

Referral Required?:

Eligibility Requirements?:

Last updated 30th August 2022

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