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Bury Early Years Speech, Language and Communication Pathway for children aged 0- 5

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Bury Early Years Speech, Language and Communication Pathway for children aged 0- 5

0 Reviews

Please find below the links to access our Early Years Speech, Language and Communication Pathways for both Early Years Professionals working with children aged 0-5 years old and also for families with children of this age.


Click on the links to access the Padlets which contain information relating to our current Universal, Targeted and Specialist Services on offer to support our youngest children’s Speech, Language and Communication Development.


The Padlets also contain essential information, support and guidance for parents and carers.


The documents on the padlets can also be downloaded onto a PC.


0-5 Speech, Language and Communication Pathway- EY Professional version (

  • This will support EY Professionals to navigate through the tools and resources of the SLC professional pathway.

0-5 Speech, Language and Communication Pathway- Parents/carers version (

  • This will support parents to understand the SLC Pathway, and to be able to source information to support their child’s SLC development.

Contact Details


Sharon Walton

Job Title/Position

Lead Officer for Early Years Development

Mobile Number


Telephone Number

0161 253 6436

Email Address

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Last updated 19th December 2024

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