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Bury Grammar School Kindergarten

Photograph taken by Bernard Johnson

Bury Grammar School Kindergarten

0 Reviews

There are approximately 50 full time places in our Nursery and Pre School for children who are already 3 on the 1st of September or who will turn 3 during the term in which they start. The swan is the emblem of Bury Grammar so the school’s youngest members are called the Fledglings and Cygnets.

The aim of the Nursery and Pre School is to create an environment which eases your child’s first steps into education. We seek to form excellent relationships between children, families and teachers, helping your child to grow and develop into a happy, healthy and self-assured individual.

The main point of focus for the pupils is to become good citizens, developing in self-awareness and self-confidence as well as learning to play and work together and to recognise their place in the community

Contact Details

Job Title/Position


Telephone Number

0161 696 8600

Email Address


Local Offer


We are an inclusive provider and support children with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), please contact us for further information.

Age Bands

0-5 years

Core Response Approved?


Childcare Information

Intending to provide 30 hours

Offer Tax Free Child Care

Wheelchair Access

Provide Pick Up / Drop Off Service

Cultural Provisions

Special Needs Provisions

Registered to receive 2 year old funded places?

Registered to receive 3/4 year old funded places?

Cultural Provisions Details

Other languages spoken at our setting are: ? German ? French ? Spanish

Wheelchair Access Details

Disabled parking ramp pre-school on ground floor.

Cultural Provisions Details

Other languages spoken at our setting are: ? German ? French ? Spanish

Special Needs Provisions Details

Please contact us for further information

Costs & Bookings

Additional Information

Please contact us for further details on availability and costs.


General Notes


Service Information


Bury East


Playroom, Quiet /Sleeping Area

Links for information

Last updated 8th November 2023

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