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Bury Phoenix Team - Specialist Service for Child Sexual Exploitation

Photograph taken by Brian Peters

Bury Phoenix Team - Specialist Service for Child Sexual Exploitation

0 Reviews

Child Sexual Exploitation should not be regarded as a lifestyle choice.

Young people do not choose to be exploited. Perpetrators target vulnerable young people who do not understand that they are being exploited and in many instances perceive the perpetrator to be an acquaintance, friend or partner.

All young people are potentially at risk of sexual exploitation and therefore need to develop the knowledge and skills to make safe and healthy choices about relationships and sexual health as well as who to contact for advice and support. 

The Bury Phoenix Team are a multi-agency team made up of police and Social Care staff and provide a specialist service for children and young people who are at risk of, or victims of child sexual exploitation as well as their families. 

Contact Details


Jacqui Kelly

Job Title/Position

Assistant Team Manager

Telephone Number

0161 253 5678

Email Address


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Open Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm and as service requires

Time of Day

Evening, Afternoon, Morning


Referral Notes

Both professionals and members of the public can make referrals into the Bury Phoenix Team via the multi agency safeguarding hub, where it will go through an inital assessment.

Referral forms and contact details can be found on the Bury Safeguarding Childrens Board website, link available above.

The contact telephone number is 0161 253 5678.

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Referral Required?:

Last updated 24th November 2020

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