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Bury Red Door - Caritas

Photograph taken by Brian Peters

Bury Red Door - Caritas

0 Reviews

Bury Red Door exists to give dignity and hope to people in crisis.

Specifically, Bury Red Door supports homeless and vulnerable individuals within the borough of Bury to help them to find both temporary and permanent accommodation, support clients in accessing external services and ensuring all benefits are applied for.

Since the start of the Covid pandemic we have remained open, adjusting our services in line with Government guidance. We continue to offer food parcels, support and advice to people in need in Bury. We help people with the provision of essential food items, support clients with benefit applications and appeals, assist with housing applications and tenancy issues. We also help clients in other areas, such as accessing appropriate health care, setting up bank accounts, arranging and attending essential appointments.

We are open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays from 10am to 1pm.

Individual support and advice appointments are available by arrangement – telephone 0161 272 0771 to arrange

Donations can be brought on Tuesdays between 10am and 1pm as above.

You can support Red Door by following us on social media.

Contact Details


Heather Elliott

Job Title/Position


Telephone Number

0161 272 0771


Times & Dates

Days of the week

We are open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays

Time of Day

From 10am to 1pm

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Last updated 21st March 2022

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