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Bury Young Carers

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Bury Young Carers

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Coronavirus - Young Carers

The wellbeing of our staff and the young people and families that we work with is paramount.

In light of current developments and guidance around Coronavirus (Covid-19), we are putting a number of precautionary measures in place to minimise risk to the families we work with, many of whom are affected by ill health. These include cancelling all group activity and all home visits until further notice and providing regular phone and text contact instead.

If you provide regular support to a vulnerable friend or family member, you will want to do what you can to protect your own health and that of the friend or family member you look after during the coronavirus outbreak. 

Like everyone, young carers and people being cared for should familiarise themselves with the public health advice on how to protect themselves from infection. As the situation is changing quickly, the guidance may also change, so carers should therefore check regularly to make sure they are following the latest guidance on the NHS website (

Young carers who do not already have an emergency plan in place may also want to talk with family and friends about who could take over their caring role if they become ill or need to self-isolate – particularly while social work services are under additional pressure during the coronavirus outbreak. It will also be important to make sure you have important information about the person you care for easily available - so that anyone taking over care has all the information they need.

Where carers and family and friends are unable to provide essential care for someone, they should contact:

  • Bury Young Carers  on 07795 315959 or 07880 714073

Leave a message if you cannot get through and we will return your call

In an emergency

  • Children Social Care - 0161 253 5454
  • Adult Social Care - 0161 253 5151

Schooling for Young Carers

Current Government advice ( identifies Young Carers as a vulnerable group and therefore schools should be offering to provide care for them. Other vulnerable groups include those with Safeguarding and welfare needs, including child in need plans, on child protection plans, ‘looked after’ children, disabled children and those with education, health and care (EHC) plans.

You will want to consider your family’s situation when considering taking up a continuing school place. If a member of the family has underlying physical health conditions, taking up a continued school place may increase the risk of contracting COVID19 for your whole household. However, for those suffering from mental health conditions, having a young Carer accessing school may decrease anxieties and improve the overall health and wellbeing of a family.

If you would like to talk through your options please contact your school or you can speak to our Young Carers Workers for advice on 07795 315959 or 07880 714073 or email

Contact Details


Hannah Fisher

Telephone Number

0161 253 5144



Referral Notes

Worker, family members or self referral.

Please contact BYC for more details or support on how to refer.

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Young carers

Links for information

Last updated 26th November 2020

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