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Bury's Learning Disability Partnership Board (Adults)

Photograph taken by Brian Peters

Bury's Learning Disability Partnership Board (Adults)

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In Bury, we have a Learning Disability Partnership Board. This Board makes sure that we have the right support in Bury to help people achieve the life they want. Members of the Board include people with learning disabilities, carers of people with learning disabilities, people who work for Bury Council, people who work for NHS Bury and people who provide services.

The Learning Disability Partnership Board carries out project work to achieve its goals. Project Leads are appointed to deliver specific, time limited projects. They report their progress to the Board.

Valuing People Now

In 2009, the Government published Valuing People Now, which tells us how the Government plans to make services better for people with a Learning Disability.

The main messages from Valuing People Now are:

  • People with learning disabilities should have the same rights and choices as everyone else.
  • People with learning disabilities have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
  • People with learning disabilities should have the same chances and responsibilities as everyone else.
  • Families of people with learning disabilities have the right to the same hopes and choices as other families.

Additional information

The 'Dear Doctor' form can be downloaded and completed prior to attending a doctor's appointment to aid in communication between doctor and patient

Contact Details


Strategic Planning and Policy Team

Telephone Number

0161 253 7975


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Last updated 3rd May 2022

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