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CALL (Cancer Aid Listening Line)

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

CALL (Cancer Aid Listening Line)

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CALL is a local charity providing emotional support and home-based practical help to people with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses, along with those closest to them, such as family, friends and carers.

We can offer someone to talk to confidentially about cancer, along with home visits, social events and practical assistance, for example help with shopping, as well as support at hospital appointments.

CALL works in the Greater Manchester area. Our services are delivered by specially trained volunteers who are managed by a team of professional staff.

  • Stockport (0161-480 5464)
  • Trafford (0161-747 2452)
  • South Manchester (0161-291 2911)
  • North and Central Manchester (0161 205 8446)
  • Salford (0161-205-8446)
  • Helpline: 0845 123 23 29 (local Call)

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0845 123 23 29

Email Address

Service Information


North West

Last updated 20th July 2021

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