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Cambridge Online School of Education - GCSE and A levels for Autistic Students 11-19 yrs

Photograph taken by Phil Hill

Cambridge Online School of Education - GCSE and A levels for Autistic Students 11-19 yrs

0 Reviews

Cambridge Online Education is a registered provider on the UK's register of learning providers UKLRP Number is 10033485. We are specialist school with interactive live class lessons, not like other conventional online schools, with work just uploaded for students to complete.

Students get to know their teachers, and the teachers get to know them. Parents, carers and Local authorities are surprised and delighted at how different this school is.

We are specialists in supporting students with Autism, Asperger’s, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Anxiety, and any student who struggles with conventional schools and colleges.

Our friendly, highly qualified, specialist teachers are dedicated to building their students' confidence and skills. Our online classrooms are video recorded so students who struggle to understand and remember everything our teachers say can watch the lessons back as often as they need to.

Parents can see at any time day or night how well their children are progressing through our online reports. We have a SENDCO and a success coach to ensure that your child's individual needs are met and that they succeed in achieving their full potential.

Many of our students go on to achieve GCSEs, A Levels and Vocational qualifications. We never give up on a student and all of our courses can be renewed annually to ensure all of our students never run out of time.

No other online education provider teaches students the way we do, we are very confident of our school education provision that a 3-day free trial of the service is available. So, ask your SEND officer to place your child with us on your EHCP Plan.

Contact Details


James Davis

Job Title/Position

Head of Inclusion

Telephone Number


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

9.00 am - 2.30 pm term time

Time of Day

Afternoon, Morning


Referral Notes

Referrals are usually by Local authorities, Schools, Parents or carers with personal budgets and of course EHCP plans

Service Information



Referral Required?:

Links for information

Last updated 27th November 2020

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