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Children's Occupational Therapist (Equipment & Adaptations)

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Children's Occupational Therapist (Equipment & Adaptations)

0 Reviews

This service is a statutory service for the Assessment and recommendation of complex equipment and adaptations in the home for children.

Assessments are available up to the age of 18, and if a parent/guardian feels their child needs an Assessment for difficulties in the home they can refer by telephoning 0161 253 5151 ( this is Connect & Direct), and give all the details of the issues they are facing, CAD will then pass these details on to us. We may telephone parent/ guardians to gain or give more information and any appropriate referrals will be put onto the waiting list.

We are not an urgent service and there is a waiting time for Assessment.

Recommendations from Assessment may range from advice only, provision of specialist equipment, to minor or major adaptations, all fully discussed and agreed with the main care givers. The most cost effective solution to the problem will always be considered first.

Equipment is supplied and purchased by the Community Equipment Service.

Major Adaptations are discussed at a Major Adaptation Panel,  and if agreed it then they are passed on to various departments to progress, depending on tenure and we have no control over time scales, but this is never a quick process. Provision of any major adaptation is dependent on landlord permission and there are financial limits.

We do not have a contact e mail address as our service is an anomaly, sitting in adults but not serviced by children’s at all so we have no admin support to deal with general queries other than via CAD

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 253 5151

Local Offer


We are a Local Offer service

Core Response Approved?


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Last updated 2nd May 2023

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