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Christ Church, Walshaw

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Christ Church, Walshaw

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Christ Church is a very warm and welcoming evangelical church in the village of Walshaw, Bury, Greater Manchester.

Our worship is informal and relaxed. On Sunday mornings we meet at 10.30am for tea, coffee, etc. and begin our service at 11am. We enjoy singing hymns and praise songs as part of our worship. On Sundays we have a busy Children's Church which meets most weeks except on the 1st Sunday of the month when we have a very engaging all age service. There are also lots of toys and activities for our youngest members of the church in church which makes it possible for parents / carers to stay in the service while at the same time keeping an eye on their 'tots' while they play.

Generally we share in Holy Communion every other week - with All Age Family Services on the other Sundays. Baptisms take place whenever there is a fifth Sunday in the month and services of 'Thanksgiving & Blessings' take place after our morning services on any Sunday.

We also have services on Sunday evenings at 6.30pm - contemporary worship on the first Sunday of the month and Evening Prayer on the third Sunday of the month.

There is a very active 'lay ministry' at Christ Church' and this includes lay members leading services and sharing reflections / preaching / teaching.

We are currently developing how we 'connect with our community' - sharing the love of God and pointing to His Son Jesus while we get alongside people, get to know them, care for them and share our story.

We have good connections in our local community - including our church primary school and the local day nursery, and actively support local voluntary secular and Christian mission agencies including Porch Boxes food bank, Street Pastors, and the Bury Project. We also engage in national and international ministry through our support and partnership with Tearfund, Crosslinks, the Bible Society and Christians against Poverty.

If you are thinking of coming along and 'giving us a try' please do - we would love to meet you and get to know you.

For more information about Christ Church Walshaw, please visit: or

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Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

Sundays at 10.30am for refreshments and our service starts at 11am

Time of Day


Session Information

Sundays at 10.30am for refreshments and our service starts at 11am


Referral Notes


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information

Last updated 8th February 2025

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