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Coeliac UK

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Coeliac UK

0 Reviews

Coeliac UK is a national charity, providing support and advice to those living with coeliac disease and dermatitis herpetiformis.

The Charity also campaigns for awareness of the disease and promotes the need for early diagnosis.

Advice is given by a team of dietetic professionals and ranges from the gluten-free diet to symptoms of the disease and related health issues.

Contact Details


Jean Christopher

Telephone Number

0845 305 2060


Local Offer

SEN Provision Type



Our service/organisation is part of the Local Offer, please contact us for further information

Age Bands

16-25 years, 11-15 years, 6-10 years, 0-5 years

Core Response Approved?


Service Information



Target Audiences:

Adults, Older people (over 65)

Links for information


Coeliac UK

Last updated 15th February 2024

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