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Crossroads Together

Photograph taken by Liam Hayat

Crossroads Together

0 Reviews

The service primarily supports the unpaid Carer looking after a relative with an illness or disability including parent carers, working carers and young carers. 

Crossroads Together provides support to anyone of age with an illness or disability. We provide trained Carer Support Workers to each person or family that we support. These Carer Support Workers then provide whatever practical support and assistance that is required, to achieve the outcomes you and the person we are supporting want.

The support we provide ranges from emotional support through to practical hands on tasks, including specialised tasks such as PEG feeding, aspiration and administering medication. Support can take place in the home or the local community, reducing social isolation and using community facilities.

We provide personal care and other support to enable the person with care needs to be as independent as possible. Our flexible break service, where our Carer support workers provide the Carer with a 2-3 hour weekly break helps prevent carer breakdown enabling them to continue caring for as long as they wish to do so.

Each support package is individually tailored taking a person centred approach in order to meet the needs of each situation and the individuals involved. These support plans are agreed between Crossroads Together, the person being supported, and their Carer, these are then regularly reviewed to ensure the service being provided continues to meet the needs of all involved.

We work closely with the existing health, social services and voluntary services, thereby ensuring a total care package tailored for the individuals we are supporting. Our services are provided 365 days a year and an emergency on call service is provided out of office hours.

For added security and to ensure your peace of mind and we will always inform you as to which named member of staff will be coming to provide your service, furthermore the member of staff will arrive (and leave) at a mutually agreed time. 

Contact Details


Charlotte Hunt

Job Title/Position

Registered Care Manager

Telephone Number

0161 445 9595


Local Offer

Contact Email

SEN Provision Type



Our service/organisation is part of the Local Offer, please contact us for further information

Age Bands

16-25 years, 11-15 years, 6-10 years, 0-5 years

Core Response Approved?



Referral Notes

Referrals can be made by carers themselves, the person who requires support, Social Services, NHS, Voluntary organisations.

They can be made by telephone or online at our website

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Adults, Adult carers

Support Groups:

Physical impairment, Learning difficulties, Autism, Visual impairment, Hearing impairment, Mental health conditions, Communication impairment

Referral Required?:

Links for information

Last updated 26th April 2022

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