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Derian House Children's Hospice

Photograph taken by Bernard Johnson

Derian House Children's Hospice

0 Reviews

For children and young people with a life limiting illness and their families. 24 hour Service: Provides holistic respite care offering play therapy, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, pet therapy, nursing care, bereavement services, sibling and family support. Accommodation consists of 13 beds and 3 family flats.

Contact Details


Susan Allen

Job Title/Position

Centre Manager

Telephone Number

01257 271 271

Email Address


Local Offer

SEN Provision Type



Our service/organisation is part of the Local Offer, please contact us for further information

Age Bands

16-25 years, 11-15 years, 6-10 years, 0-5 years

Core Response Approved?



Referral Notes

All referral need to be done before the age of 16 : either Self / Open / Professional referral but must be with permssion of family

Service Information


North West

Referral Required?:

Links for information

Last updated 11th December 2020

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