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Direct Payment Services (Payroll, Banking, Information & Advice)

Photograph taken by Phil Hill

Direct Payment Services (Payroll, Banking, Information & Advice)

0 Reviews

Payroll Plus - to help manage your care and support

What is Payroll Plus?

Payroll Plus is a suite of support to help you employ and manage Personal Assistants. 

By signing up to our Payroll service you can also buy the below additional support services:

About us
Independent Lives is a user-led charity working with disabled people, people with health conditions, and carers, to enable people to lead full, active and independent lives.

As part of our range of services, we offer an established and comprehensive Payroll Plus Service for people who employ Personal Assistants using their Direct Payment.

Contact Details


Direct Payments Information & Advice Team

Job Title/Position

Independent Lives

Telephone Number

01903 219482


Service Information



Links for information

Last updated 5th February 2024

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