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Disabled Employee Group

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Disabled Employee Group

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Bury Council values and celebrates diversity, and is committed to equality of opportunity and fairness for all. In partnership with UNISON, we have established a Disabled Employees Group who are regularly consulted on Council policies and working practices, and offer an important support network for staff.

The group actively supports the provision of knowledge and experience, so that organisational understanding can be attained for all forms of disability, leading to better working conditions and business relationships.

With disability falling into two primary areas, namely visible and non-visible, it can often be difficult to determine the impact that individuals suffer daily. As such, the group aims to encourage changes to attitudes and support minor changes that help reduce negative impacts and sickness; but increase wellbeing and productivity.

Employee support

It is the Group's intention to be a first point of contact and provide support to any Council employees who have a disability. The Group may be able to assist directly, liaise on your behalf with Departmental or Corporate HR staff, Occupational Health or one of the unions, or simply offer direction so that your issues can be rectified quickly.

Online Forum

The Disabled Employees Group has now also set up an online discussion forum. This is to complement and facilitate group activities, by providing an alternative way to discuss issues, consult and provide support. The forum is open to all Bury Council and Six Town Housing employees. Anything on this page is private and can be seen by members of the forum only.

For further information or to join the forum, please contact Peter Tate on 0161 253 5833.

Access to work

Access to Work is an initiative managed by Job Centre Plus, available to provide additional help and support to enable disabled employees to fulfil their potential at work. Assistance can be for both disabled persons about to take up a post, and also for those in existing employment.

The first point of contact within the Council for support with Access to Work is Occupational Health, who can also provide supplementary information regarding a variety of resources and opportunities for disabled staff.

Should you wish to contact Access to Work directly, please use the Glasgow office which covers the north west of England at:

Access to Work - Glasgow
Telephone: 0141 950 5327
Textphone: 0845 602 5850
Fax: 0141 950 5265

Contact Details


Shelly Turner

Email Address



Referral Notes

Self referral, for more information email the address listed above.

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Adults, Older people (over 65)

Support Groups:

Physical impairment, Autism, Visual impairment, Hearing impairment, Communication impairment

Links for information

Last updated 15th January 2024

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