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Early Learning Daycare

Photograph taken by Brian Peters

Early Learning Daycare

0 Reviews

Early Learning Daycare is a well appointed nursery in the heart of Ramsbottom.

The nursery is committed to providing high quality care and educational experiences offering a wide range of age/stage appropriate learning experiences. 

All staff are appropriately qualified and have a good working knowledge of the EYFS curriculum offering the children the best of their experience. Planned activities are focused on children's unique learning needs and interests. 

Practitioners help children to feel valued by providing positive support through their language, praise and encouragement, in turn helping to build the children's self esteem.

We have a  well established key-person system has helped all children, including the youngest babies, to establish secure, trusting and warm relationships with staff

Staff support children well in understanding the importance of having a healthy and active lifestyle.  Children enjoy nutritious meals that help them to make healthy choices.

They enjoy opportunities to play outdoors and take part in regular outings within the community. This helps to develop their understanding of the wider community and the natural world, and provides them with fresh air and exercise.

For details of our out of school care click here

We are part of the Brush Bus tooth brushing scheme Click here to find out more about the scheme.

Early Learning Daycare is signed up to Bury Council's Golden Apple Award Scheme and is accredited with the Gold Award. Click here to find out more about the scheme.

Contact Details


Emily Jarrett

Job Title/Position

Nursery Manager

Telephone Number



Local Offer


We are an inclusive organisation/service who support Children & Young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), please contact us for further information

Core Response Approved?


Childcare Information

Intending to provide 30 hours

Offer Tax Free Child Care

Immediate Vacancies

Wheelchair Access

Provide Pick Up / Drop Off Service

Cultural Provisions

Special Needs Provisions

Registered to receive 2 year old funded places?

Registered to receive 3/4 year old funded places?

Special Needs Provisions Experience

Behavior Management, Communication Difficulties, Cystic Fibrosis, Allergies, Asthma, Autism Spectrum, Physical Impairment, Developmental delay, Speech & Language Difficulties, Down Syndrome, Learning Difficulties, Mobility Difficulties/Wheelchair User, Emotional Difficulties

ECD age to years:


ECD age from months:


Costs & Bookings

Additional Information

Please contact us for further details on availability and costs.


General Notes

Ofsted Information

  • OfSTED Reference: 542905
  • OfSTED Outcome:  Good
  • Report

Service Information


Ramsbottom, All


Art and Craft activities, Sand and Water/Messy play/Play equipment for all ages, Garden/Secure Outdoor Play area, Visit & Outings & Use of local facilities, Quiet /Sleeping Area, Healthy Eating, Playroom

Links for information

Last updated 1st February 2023

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