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Emmaus Bolton

Photograph taken by Brian Peters

Emmaus Bolton

0 Reviews

First and foremost Emmaus Bolton is about people, as individuals. About accepting everyone as equal.

Emmaus Bolton provides a home and meaningful work to up to 20 people who were formerly homeless, earning their income through our two shops and our recycling business.

Each Emmaus Community is set up as an independent business company and registered charity, which is affiliated to Emmaus UK and Emmaus International. The projects are expected to pay their own way within three to four years.

The Community receives most of its income from the sale of goods that are donated as well as other business activities, with the remainder coming from accommodation charges. The residents are able to claim housing benefit to meet this cost, other than this, no state benefit is claimed.

Contact Details


Bob Jeffery

Telephone Number

01204 398 056


Service Information


North West

Target Audiences:

Adults, Older people (over 65)

Links for information

Last updated 17th November 2020

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