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Empty Homes

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Empty Homes

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Bury Council has a designated Empty Properties Officer who deals with long term empty properties and all the issues and problems they cause.

Many people in the community feel strongly that properties should not be allowed to stay empty when there are people looking for new homes. Research we have carried out in Bury and other areas shows that some owners keep properties empty because they do not know how, or cannot, maintain it. We can help you by giving you information and advice and telling you about other support networks.

A property is classed as being officially empty if it has been unoccupied for 6 months or over. If a property is empty for less than six months it may be due to a delayed sale or the property is in-between lettings. There are currently more than 1000 empty properties in the Bury area.

If you own an empty property (that is, empty for over 6 months) and need help and advice as to how best to get some income from it (rather than it costing you money) why not call and leave your details? Our empty property officer will contact you ASAP to run through your options.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 253 5353


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:


Links for information

Last updated 17th November 2020

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