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Equipment & Adaptations - Disability Services

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Equipment & Adaptations - Disability Services

0 Reviews

The Disability Services team provide an Assessment and recommendation service for the provision of equipment and adaptations for residents of Bury with a disability.

The  team of Occupational Therapists and Assessment Officers can provide a specialist Assessment for individuals and their carers, and they can identify equipment or adaptations which make it easier for you to continue living independently in your own home.

If you are assessed as requiring a piece of equipment they will arrange for the Community Equipment Store to deliver and install it in your home. They also make recommendations for major adaptation's to your home, the funding of these may require a means tested grant.

All the help offered is based on individual needs, and the service is available to people of all ages.

You may self refer via the contact number below, and they will pass the referral on to us, you will then be contacted by our Duty Officer to gain more information about your needs, before an Assessment visit is made to your home.

Contact Details


Adult Care Services

Telephone Number

0161 253 5151

Local Offer

SEN Provision Type



Our service/organisation is part of the Local Offer, please contact us for further information

Age Bands

16-25 years, 11-15 years, 6-10 years, 0-5 years

Core Response Approved?


Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

All ages

Support Groups:

Physical impairment, Learning difficulties

Referral Required?:

Eligibility Requirements?:

Last updated 19th March 2024

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