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Every Mind Matters

Photograph taken by Liam Hayat

Every Mind Matters

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Looking after your mental health

Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. We have expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing.

Get Your Mind Plan by answering 5 quick questions to get your free plan with tips to help you deal with stress and anxiety, improve your sleep, boost your mood and feel more in control.

There are also resources to help with coronavirus, supporting children and young people’s mental health.

Supporting parents and carers to support their children 

Every child, young person, parent and Carer will have had different experiences as a result of the coronavirus outbreak, and many will have faced more challenges than usual. Students may need extra support as they make the Transition back to education, and while schools and colleges will have a role to play, parents and carers are in a unique position to assist students with these changes.

The top tips on the website below provide advice for teachers and educators on supporting parents and carers with the mental wellbeing of their children at this potentially challenging time.

Mental Wellbeing Top Tips

Service Information



Links for information

Last updated 17th November 2021

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