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Female Friendly Cycle Club

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Female Friendly Cycle Club

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A FREE, female friendly cycle club, created especially to encourage cycling activities for female friends and family. Primarily aimed at mums, aunties and daughters …however, Grannies, nieces and sisters are welcome too!

During our FREE M.A.D sessions, we encourage social engagement between participants and provide a welcoming platform for women to try cycling in a safe, fun environment.

We have 8 fantastic FREE half day cycling events for all you Mums, Aunties, Daughters and sisters out there to get involved in during February and March 2018.

If you don’t have a bike, we can help out with this and equipment can be provided, if requested.

Start with our introductory Bronze award and build up from there at your own pace.Each free session lasts at least two hours so you can just do the morning and finish at lunchtime or complete the whole day.

Contact Details


Nationwide Cycling Academy

Telephone Number

07497 071 919

Email Address


Times & Dates

Session Information

Saturday 10th February (Philips Park) 10.00am- 2.00pm, Sunday 18th February (Philips Park) 10.00am- 2.00pm, Sunday 25th February (Heaton Park) 10.00am- 2.00pm, Sunday 4th March (Philips Park) 10.00am- 2.00pm, Sunday 11th March (Philips Park) 10.00am- 2.00pm, Saturday 17th March (Philips Park) 10.00am- 2.00pm

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Links for information

Last updated 8th January 2021

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