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Greater Manchester Army Cadet Force

Photograph taken by Phil Hill

Greater Manchester Army Cadet Force

0 Reviews

Cadets learn the core basics as part of a progressive learning syllabus. This includes Drill and Turnout, First Aid, Fieldcraft, Shooting, Skill at Arms, Map and Compass, Community Projects and Music activities. Physical activities, including sports, mountaineering, orienteering, canoeing/kayaking, caving, parachuting, expeditions and adventure training.

Cadets also achieve real qualifications such as B-tec first Diplomas, APC Star Awards and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.

Bury Detachment meet at the Castle Armoury (opposite the Parish Church) Tues and Fri evenings 7-9 pm.

Radcliffe Detachment meet the their Hutted base at Back Knowle Street, Mon and Wed evenings 7-9 pm. Radcliffe Detachment meet at Holcombe Moor Training Camp Mon and Wed 7-9 pm.

Contact Details


Major Tom Cornmell

Job Title/Position

Cadet Executive Officer

Telephone Number




Referral Notes

Contact either the e-mail address or telephone 01204 881270

Service Information


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Secondary school/teenage (11-18)

Referral Required?:

Links for information

Last updated 15th January 2021

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