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Helping Hands Bolton

Photograph taken by John Openshaw

Helping Hands Bolton

0 Reviews

At Helping Hands Bolton, the team offers individually tailored home care in Bolton, and the surrounding areas.

The carers are carefully recruited based on their natural skills, personality, and ability to adapt to changing situations.

They are then trained at the branch, where they are supported by the Cardiff Branch Manager, to deliver different aspects of care such as companionship and housekeeping help, nurse-led clinical care, dementia support, moving and handling, and medication administration.

Every member of the team is there to ensure they enable our customers to enjoy quality of life in their own home, with support ranging from 30-minute calls, to nightime sits or 24-hour live-in care.

Call us today to find out more.

Contact Details


Contact Us

Job Title/Position

Marketing Manager

Telephone Number


Service Information


All, Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:


Support Groups:

Mental health conditions, Dementia

Links for information

Last updated 6th December 2022

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