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Holcombe Brook Methodist Pre-school

Holcombe Brook Methodist Pre-school

0 Reviews

We provide sessional childcare in a bright airy room where children have access to a number of activities including sand, water play, creative activities, role play etc. We also have an outdoor play area with slide, climbing apparatus, bikes etc.

We have morning and afternoon sessions and offer flexibilty, children can attend all day or just for the morning or afternoon session. Children attending in the morning session can also use our lunch club.

We can offer both 15 hours and 30 hours funded places.

We offer a lunch club 12noon to 1pm every day,children bring their own packed lunch.

We are part of the Brush Bus tooth brushing scheme.  Click here to find out more about the scheme.

Holcombe Brook Methodist Pre-School is signed up to Bury Council's Golden Apple Award Scheme and is accredited with the Gold Award.  Click here to find out more about the scheme.


Contact Details


Tracy Lowe

Job Title/Position


Telephone Number

07940 157 452


Local Offer


We are an inclusive organisation/service who support Children & Young people with Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND), please contact us for further information

Core Response Approved?


Childcare Information

Intending to provide 30 hours

Offer Tax Free Child Care

Immediate Vacancies

Wheelchair Access

Provide Pick Up / Drop Off Service

Cultural Provisions

Special Needs Provisions

Registered to receive 2 year old funded places?

Registered to receive 3/4 year old funded places?

Cultural Provisions Details

We ensure that snacks are suitable for any children with cultural dietary requirements

Wheelchair Access Details

Lift and ramp access to the building/room

Cultural Provisions Experience

Halal food

Cultural Provisions Details

We ensure that snacks are suitable for any children with cultural dietary requirements

Special Needs Provisions Experience

Speech & Language Difficulties, Diabetes, Behavior Management, Mobility Difficulties/Wheelchair User, Communication Difficulties, Allergies, Dyspraxia, Asthma, Epilepsy, Autism Spectrum, Hearing Impairment

Special Needs Provisions Details

We endeavour to include all children irrespective of disabilities and have employed support staff with specialist skills to ensure this. We have also adapted the setting as required to meet children's specific needs.

ECD age from years:


ECD age to years:


ECD age from months:


ECD age to months:


Costs & Bookings

Additional Information

Please contact us for further details on availability and costs.


General Notes

Ofsted Information

  • OfSTED Refrence: 316833
  • OfSTED Outcomes: Good
  • Report

Service Information

Suitable for ages:

Two and a half years old-Five years old


Bury & Local Area

Target Audiences:

Pre-school (0-5)


Art and Craft activities, Playroom, Sand and Water/Messy play/Play equipment for all ages, Healthy Eating, Garden/Secure Outdoor Play area

Last updated 10th May 2023

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