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Housing Associations

Photograph taken by Tony Rostron

Housing Associations

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The role of housing associations is to provide accommodation that is affordable, secure and well maintained.

Housing associations are not-for-profit landlords who provide housing to rent or sometimes to buy.

There are a number of housing associations offering accommodation in Bury. Some provide specialist accommodation aimed at specific groups of people such as older people over retirement age and others provide a range of accommodation for all different groups of people.

If you would like to apply for a housing association property you will need to register with the association directly.

Due to the limited amount of housing that becomes available we recommend that you register with as many of the housing associations as possible.

Housing associations are regulated by the Tenant Services Authority, they ensure that tenants have a say in how their homes are managed.

Please note: Bury Council have a nomination agreement with all housing associations that have properties in the borough of Bury. We have nomination rights to 50% of all housing association vacancies. Any applicant registered on our housing register, who has expressed an interest, will be nominated to housing association vacancies if they have sufficient priority on the housing register.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 253 5537

Service Information

Links for information

Last updated 20th October 2021

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