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Independent Complaints Advocacy

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Independent Complaints Advocacy

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What is Independent Complaints Advocacy?

ICA is a free, independent and confidential service for people who want to make a complaint about any part of their NHS treatment or care in line with the NHS Complaints Regulations 2009.

Advocates can support and guide through the NHS complaints process by providing information about options and rights in connection with NHS funded care and treatment.

When can I get an Independent Complaints Advocate?

The ICA Service can support adults, young people and children living in Manchester wishing to make a complaint to the NHS.

If you live outside Manchester and need support to make a complaint, please go to Greater Manchester NHS Complaints Advocacy Providers

An ICA Advocate can provide support and guidance at any stage of the NHS complaints procedure.

What will an Independent Complaints Advocate do?

  • Give you information about how to make a complaint
  • Explain the NHS Complaints procedure, letting you know your rights and options
  • Provide support and guidance with writing letters of complaint
  • Help you to prepare for and support you to attend Local Resolution Meetings
  • Put you in touch with other people or organisations who can help.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 214 3904

Email Address


Referral Notes

Referral forms are available below and should be securely emailed using password protection or via Egress to

To access the referral forms visit the below page:

Service Information


North West

Referral Required?:

Links for information



Last updated 18th October 2021

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