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Inscape House School

Photograph taken by Maurice Clegg

Inscape House School

0 Reviews

Inscape House School has 105 places for young people aged 5 to 19 who have autism and associated communication difficulties as their primary need.

Inscape House School’s Vision

Together we learn, grow and succeed. Together we conquer barriers and surpass expectations.

Inscape House School’s Mission  

Together we provide opportunities to promote independence and teach life-changing skills; we engage, we support and we motivate to equip our unique young people to face life’s challenges.

What do we do?

We support young people to lead a fulfilling life by understanding that they have a distinct and unique way of thinking and perceiving the world.

Inscape House School is part of the Together Trust, a charity that provides care, therapeutic services and special education to support vulnerable children, young people and adults across the North West. Our campus, based in Cheadle, is an environment that enables learning, maximises independence and celebrates all of our students’ achievements.

Accredited by the National Autistic Society, we provide holistic learning programmes shaped to fit each student and delivered by our skilled multidisciplinary staff team. We live and breathe Together Trust’s values. We are positive, professional, passionate and supportive.

Contact Details


Hannah Stollar

Job Title/Position


Telephone Number


Secondary Telephone Number

0161 283 4848


Times & Dates

Date(s) Info

School Term Time- Monday to Friday 8:55am to 3:00pm

Days of the week

Monday to Friday

Time of Day

Morning, Afternoon

Local Offer

Contact Name

Hannah Stollar

Contact Email

SEN Provision Type



Our school is a special school that specialises in autism.

Our staff are trained in the various methodologies we use in school such as Attention Autism, TEACCH, continuous provision, pre-formal, semi-formal and formal curriculum. Each class group has, at least a teacher and two educational assistants who will work with the students daily. From Key stage 3, students have access to specialist teachers for different areas of the curriculum.

We have a skilled multi-disciplinary team which enables to provide a holistic package of therapeutic support which fits seamlessly with our education offer. We use a tiered model of therapeutic support and follow a social model to ensure that students sensory, communication and social and emotional needs are embedded through the curriculum in its widest sense.

We have a large team of specialist staff: specialist ASC teachers, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists (trained in sensory integration), positive behaviour support specialists, nurture practitioners, pastoral team, play therapist and counsellor.

Our pastoral team work closely with families to ensure a consistent and holistic approach between school and the family. Our school has close links with other agencies and can call upon other professional advice such as CAMHS/HYMS, social care, Information, Advice and Support Service (IASS), (formally Parent Partnership), as required.

Age Bands

16-25 years, 11-15 years, 6-10 years, 0-5 years

Core Response Approved?


Costs & Bookings

Booking Information

For more information or to arrange a visit please contact our reception on 0161 283 4750 and ask to speak to the admissions team or email us


Referral Notes

We welcome contact from parents/carers and professionals who are seeking places for young people at the school, as it gives us the opportunity to explain more about ourselves and to answer any questions that you may have.

We normally only admit a student once the Local Authority have approached us and after our admissions team have carried out an assessment and carefully studied documents and reports including the Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). The primary need should be Autism.

Further information regarding admissions to Inscape House School can be found at For more information or to arrange a visit please contact our reception on 0161 283 4750 and ask to speak to the admissions team or email us

General Notes

Service Information


North West

Target Audiences:

Secondary school/teenage (11-18), Primary school age (5-11)

Support Groups:



Art and Craft activities, Garden/Secure Outdoor Play area, Visit & Outings & Use of local facilities, Quiet /Sleeping Area

Booking Required?:

Referral Required?:

Eligibility Requirements?:

Last updated 14th June 2024

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