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Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and Region

Photograph taken by Ryan Charlesworth

Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and Region

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How often have we been asked ‘what does the Rep. Council do?’

Answer: many, many things.

Here are the dry details from our constitution:

a)    To provide through the Council opportunity for collaboration and co-ordinated action on the part of Jews of Greater Manchester and Region.

b)    To protect Jewish interests in Greater Manchester and Region and to make and carry out such arrangements as may be deemed desirable to that end.

c)    To co-ordinate the activities of Jewish Institutions in Greater Manchester and Region whenever for common purposes the same be desirable and practicable.

d)    To co-operate in the furtherance of Jewish interests elsewhere than in Greater Manchester and Region in so far as may be deemed advisable.

e)    To do all things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects, or any of them, or as may seem best calculated to advance the interest of the members.

f)     To receive, hold and distribute funds for the benefit of Jewish and other charities.

g)   The Council may from time to time receive monies for distribution to Jewish or other charities, or hold monies on trust for Jewish or other charities on such terms or conditions as the Council shall in each case deem appropriate, and the Council may enter into trust deeds and appoint members of the Council to act either by themselves or with other persons as trustees.

But it’s much more than that.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0161 720 8721


Service Information


North West

Last updated 15th February 2021

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