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LGBTQI+ Domestic Abuse Drop-in Support

Photograph taken by Tony Rostron

LGBTQI+ Domestic Abuse Drop-in Support

0 Reviews

Our domestic abuse service offers support to individuals who are currently at risk of or who have previously experienced domestic abuse whether this is from a partner(s), expartner(s), or family member(s). This service provides practical help and advice, and emotional support for those who have been, or currently are experiencing domestic abuse.

This service is available to all people identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual and/or trans, and anyone falling under the umbrella term of LGBT* such as queer, intersex, pansexual, non-binary or genderfluid, including those questioning their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

The service is available for people who are living within the Greater Manchester area. You must be aged 16+ to access this service.

Contact Details

Telephone Number

0345 3 303030


Times & Dates

Days of the week

Last Wednesday of each month

Time of Day


Service Information

Links for information

Related Services & Pages

Last updated 5th July 2023

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