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Lifeline Eclypse

Photograph taken by Martin Gaskell

Lifeline Eclypse

0 Reviews

Eclypse is a confidential drug and alcohol service, offering support to young people and their families living in the Manchester district.

Our services are flexible and holistic, providing honest and accurate advice and information while supporting young people to achieve their goals.

The Eclypse service incorporates two separate, yet complimentary services - a Treatment Team and a Family Team.

Our services are based within Ardwick, yet we provide our services at a wide range of locations including Schools, Youth Offending Services, Community Centres and Home Visits.

The Treatment Team aims to support young people with issues relating to their drug and alcohol use. We provide up to date information and harm reduction advice.

Our support enables young people to reduce or stop using substances. We also support young people to access housing, stop smoking, sexual health advice, manage finances and reduce anxiety, while building self-esteem. During our one to one contact, we will explore their strengths and interests, set personal goals and focus on the positive steps to making the changes.

We also have a Family Team who can work with children, young people and their parents to offer structured support around thoughts, feelings and the effects of drugs and alcohol on the family as a whole. This team works to strengthen family relationships and help all family members to recognise the impact of parental substance use from an understanding and supportive basis.

Our aim is to bring families closer together by improving mutual understanding and so we will work with the child offering clear, age appropriate information relating to parental substance use, harm reduction information and how to manage confusing feelings.

The Family Team also work with young people affected by their parents substance use in a structured way to meet their needs, while offering parents and carers vital harm reduction information, promote self-awareness and deliver parenting support. A Family Therapist is part of this team and will offer support to either individual family members, whole families or both.

Contact Details


Gary Malcomson

Job Title/Position

Contract Manager

Telephone Number

0161 273 6686



Referral Notes

Please contact the service directly as referrals can be taken over the phone.

Service Information


North West

Target Audiences:

Secondary school/teenage (11-18), Primary school age (5-11)

Links for information

Last updated 9th January 2024

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